# Installation

# Classic Notebook

# From terminal

If you have access to the terminal that Jupyter Classic Notebook is running on, run the following commands to install.

$ pip install ipymonaco

# if notebook < 5.3
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipymonaco

# Within Jupyter Classic Notebook

You can install ipymonaco within the Jupyter Classic Notebook. After the installation, you need to refresh the web page to reinitialize the application.

!pip install ipymonaco

# if notebook < 5.3
!jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipymonaco

# JupyterLab

# From Terminal

If you have access to the terminal that JupyterLab is running on, run the following commands to install.

$ pip install ipymonaco
$ jupyter labextension install ipymonaco

# if not already installed
$ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

# Within JupyterLab

You can install ipymonaco within JupyterLab. After the installation, you need to refresh the web page to reinitialize the application.

# if the server has enough memory
!pip install ipymonaco
!jupyter labextension install ipymonaco

# if the server runs out of memory while minimizing static assets.
!pip install ipymonaco
!jupyter labextension install ipymonaco --no-build
!jupyter lab clean
!jupyter lab build --minimize=False
Last Updated: 2/18/2021, 4:34:58 AM